A place to share what we love: Places we go, People we meet, and Experiences we enjoy!

Around The World Blog Hop

I am grateful to follow my partner Jocelyn Chalmers on this Blog Hop.  Jocelyn is an incredible loving, creative, intuitive person of great spiritual depth.  She works in many mediums such as oils, pencil and acrylics, as well as creating spiritual prayer treatments and meditations. Her work can be seen here:


And on her Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/jocelyn.chalmers?ref=bookmark

What am I working on? 

At this moment I am working on writing for my blog and a number of projects in Procreate. It is a wonderful digital application on my iPad that allows a variety of artistic expressions, from sketching to water color, oils and other digital renderings. While it is certainly different from paper, canvas and paint, it is wonderful in its own way. As I write this I am sitting in the tropical sun at waters edge on Maui and I am able to have all I need for my artistic expression at my side.


At the present moment I am finishing up a painting of a Green Sea Turtle, called a Honu in Hawaiian.  More about this below.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I find it a challenge to categorize my genre.  I love to sketch with charcoal and pencil and from time to time ink as well. At the moment my expression is primarily in photography, digital art, and pictures painted with written word on my blog and for my teaching.

Rail lines

Why do I write/create what I do?

I create and write what I do because there is within me an image, word picture, or an idea that has an energy of expression. It is as if that which will be written photographed, or rendered in line and color is waiting to be given birth.  I often feel it deep within at first, a stirring if you will.  This is often followed by a bubbling to the surface of a reality that an artistic expression is soon coming forth.  It may begin with something I see, photograph, or encounter in conversation with another.  It then moves to an “I really want to write about, photograph or paint this!!!!!  There is an urgency to bring it forth that is both exciting and challenging.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen Griffey returned to the Mariner’s I had to get a shot of his first at bat!!  It resulted in this photo and a hit for a single.

Music Man

While visiting Pike Place Market I encountered this Music Man playing by himself in a corner and I was led to capture his emotion and the speed of his bow!

Sunset fabric

The glow of the sunset and the flow of the fabric caught my creative spirit.

How does my writing/creating process work?

I feel led by that creative spirit within me to create.  Before I write a blog post for example I use meditation to connect with Spirit and open up the frequency of my being to connect with the creative energy that comes forth. The inspiration and words which follow are often quite different from what I “thought” I might write.   There is a stream or flow that emerges to lead the way.  You can find examples on my Blog.

With my photography, I do somewhat the same thing. I love to wander about in a beautiful garden until “called” by a particular flower or scene. When I am drawn into the energy of the subject I know it is time to take the picture.

Tangled TreeI came upon this tree while walking in a Botanical garden in Seattle and as I gazed at it the tangled mystery of the tree I was drawn into the dark depth of its twisted branches.

Recently I was touched by a photo of a magnificent Green Sea Turtle. There was an immediate, “I need to paint this!” reaction.  My current project of the Honu, still a work in progress, can be seen below.

HonuBefore I was finished with this painting, we were out on my kayak and a huge magnificent Turtle surfaced a few feet away.  The encounter was pure magic. It was as if we were One. Our beings United. I felt the turtle expressing gratitude for painting him.  We made eye contact, he took a breath of air, turned and drifted off into the blue green depth of the crystal clear water. I sat motionless in the power of the moment.  This is the connection I often feel with my artistic expression.

You can follow my Blog by subscribing, commenting or simply logging on here.

You can find some of my photography here:  http://drmackay.zenfolio.com

Who will be next on the world Blog Hop?

I am pleased to introduce you to my dear friend John Cannon.  John is an architect by trade and has found his true calling in the world of art.  He is passionate in his work and, as he does when he is playing the drums in his jazz band, he gets in the “flow” and produces wonderful works.  He is guided by his creative spirit to capture space, form and light in a manner that draws the viewer into the scene and into the story portrayed.  His post will be found here on February 2, 2015.


His other site is:    http://johncannonart.artspan.com



  1. January 25, 2015    

    Love these!

  2. January 25, 2015    

    Great blog!!! Really love your art in all its forms!!!!