A place to share what we love: Places we go, People we meet, and Experiences we enjoy!

A new Appreciation

I was awake, for a time, early this morning, before it was “time” to get up. I love to use that time to focus on breathing, centering and appreciating.

I began with the things “around” me and then moved to the important people in my life.

First focusing on my immediate surroundings; the cool crisp fresh air washed by the night rain, the soft comforting pillow under my head, the scent of the vanilla candle on the bed side table, the smooth feel of the sheet and the warmth of the blanket covering me! Smiling with appreciation for each one and….. Breathing deeply…… Feeling appreciation…… Vibration moving to a higher level.

Then on to the people that I hold in a special place in my heart. Waves of love and appreciation wash over me…… Breathing it in……. Joy! Yes! I am filled with grateful appreciation for family and loved ones. Seeing each one surrounded in the golden light of love. I wrap the arms of my appreciation around each of them breathing in the oneness that is us in the Divine plan of creation.

I feel the smile on my face as I revel in the love and beauty of the moment. In the semi-darkness of the room I became more aware of the Source of All Love and of my self. A stirring in my heart prompts me to focus on “me”. I began to pour out love and appreciation for myself, for who I am, for life, for this moment. Then a thought emerges…….., “Is it selfish, feeling this deep love for me?” A Divine voice reminds me, “You are loved unconditionally by the Source of all Love……. You can only love and appreciate others as you love and appreciate yourself!”………
Yes! And so it is.

Appreciating myself…… Appreciating you….. Appreciating and loving all that is “Us” for we are all one with the Divine Source of Love!!


“God is delighted to watch your soul enlarge.” Meister Eckhart (1260-1329)


  1. Jerry Mickelson Jerry Mickelson
    September 30, 2014    

    Don – Your blog continues to soothe, while at the same time, encouraging me in my caregiving to my wife Rachel. I cannot thank you enough for the inspiration you provide. It helps to be “led” by someone who has “been there, done that”.


    • October 1, 2014    

      Thanks for the kind comment. I do hold you and your care for your wife in my heart.
      Peace my friend,