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Appreciation at work……

As some of you know, I am blessed to live in a wonderful Condo on the shores of Lake Washington. I am in full appreciation of the beauty of what I see and feel all around me. When I first walked into this residence, before I purchased it, I felt it. Somehow I knew I was “home”. Each day as I gaze out over the lake I am blessed by the Source of all, the Divine creator, with a new expression of Divine love.

I am eternally grateful for the blessing and healing that flood my soul as I stand in wonder and admire the beauty all around me. I have come to know that I can find the same beauty wherever I may be.

I was on a walk to the outdoor farmer’s market yesterday, and I saw a wonderfully green bush (unknown variety to me) with beautiful red berries. The light was just right. The leaves glistened and the berries seemed to glow with a life energy all of their own. I stopped to take it all in. My appreciation for this wonderful gift filled me with joy and I could feel the vibration of my existence ramp up. I remained there in joy and awe for a few minutes and then continued on to the market. I must have had a look of joy on my face. An unknown person walking towards me on the path smiled and said, “You seem to be having a really good day!” I replied, “I am!! Thank you, I know you are as well.” and we passed each other and went on our way.

As I reflect on that experience, I am reminded that before I set out on my walk to the market, I was focused on those things that I appreciate most. I had already ramped up my vibrational level. As I walked I did so mindfully, breathing in rhythm with my steps, bringing my awareness to my heart and the energy of love, focusing on the present moment, living in the wonderful joy of “now.” I am no longer surprised when my appreciation brings me more to appreciate! It just works, like a magnet that attracts particles of iron, appreciation attracts more things to appreciate.

Try it yourself. Before you go out of the house next time spend a few minutes in a brief meditation. Breathe into stillness, bring your awareness to your heart, call to mind something or someone you truly appreciate (love). Keep it simple. It may be the beauty of a single red rose, or the presence of the hummingbird at your feeder, or the person sitting beside you. Spend a moment in loving appreciation of the object of your meditation. As you come back to the moment, and prepare to go out into the world, hold the high vibration of appreciation and then watch for what you experience. Expect your appreciation to attract more for you to appreciate!

Feel free to post a comment here to let me, and others, know what your experience was.

With love and appreciation to all of you


1 Comment

  1. September 6, 2014    

    Beautiful words!! Thank you. I feel like I was walking along side you!! ❤️