A place to share what we love: Places we go, People we meet, and Experiences we enjoy!

Appreciation after Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is over and yes I did eat too much!! I am sure in one way or another, all of us paused to give thanks for ………………. Fill in your own list. Yes, I have so many people, so much love and so much going on in my life to be thankful for. Grateful Appreciation flows freely.
A few mornings ago, when I woke, before I getting out of bed, I reflected for a time on being Grateful after Thanksgiving. Perhaps it would be good to have a different focus…….. I suddenly became aware of the scent of the fresh morning air drifting through the open window and the soft smooth cool touch of the sheet on my face.

That’s it!!! The focus will be on Grateful Appreciation for the 5 primary senses. Yes! How often I take them for granted. I don’t really notice the sense of smell unless something has an awful odor or an exceptionally pleasing aroma. I see all the time but how often do I really “see”?

So I am suggesting that we set aside some meaningful time today or in the next days ahead to focus on the senses, and feeling grateful for them. You can use meditation or whatever method you choose, to center and focus your full awareness on each of the senses for whatever time is appropriate to your discipline. Christmas is coming soon and there is no better time to do this than during the Holidays when our awareness is heightened. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

The frequency and vibrational energy of mindfulness is enhanced and tuned by our sensory awareness. Begin by focusing on your breathing. Take slow deep breaths with sensory awareness of all 5 of your senses.

See your chest rise and as your body relaxes and notice how your breath sounds to you. As you continue to breathe notice any smell in the air. Breathe in through your nose and feel the light touch of the air in your nose. Breathe out through your mouth and notice any taste that lingers there.

Now that your awareness is sharpened and you are fully conscious of your five senses, shift to an awareness of each one individually. Here you will need to expand your awareness beyond the present moment to focus your Grateful Appreciation on a full knowing of each of the senses.

For example: Let us begin with touch. This is a wonderful starting point as the skin is the largest organ in the human body and houses our receptors that sense touch. The skin is the largest of all the organs of sense and the first to develop on a human fetus. It provides the major connection with our external and internal environment. So it is a good starting point for expanded awareness and focused Appreciation.

Breathe deeply and bring your awareness to your sense of touch. Feel Grateful Appreciation for: the feeling of the warm coffee cup in your hands as you lift it to your lips, the touch of your hand on the smooth silky skin of the back of your love as you both fall asleep, the feeling of the warm water of the shower as it gently refreshes and cleans your body, the wonderful feeling of your toes as they wiggle into the sand at the beach,……… Let your feeling of Grateful Appreciation carry you where it may. Be aware of how touch connects with all that is around you and with your other senses. The touch of the English Muffin in your hand suddenly awakens the sense of taste in your mouth even though you have not yet taken a bite!!

Breathe in the fullness of Grateful Appreciation for each of your senses as you draw your attention to them. In the mindful moment of meditation bring your awareness to the wonder of each sense and allow them to connect with each other and with the Love that is you! Enjoy the experience.

In Grateful Appreciation for my “sense” of you!!!
